Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tue 12/18 - GBR upper

(75#DBIncline)7,7,7,5 Good
(155#SmithBOR)4x8 very good
48 mins

Good DB incline.  Was hoping to get 4x7, and almost had the 6th rep up on the last set, but just couldn't get it. I didn't feel very strong on the first set, so I was really pleased to get 3x7, plus the last set of 5. BOR were good and I really tried to hold the weight at contraction for a split second and really squeeze my back.  I could still feel dead lifts from yesterday in my back though.

I bumped the weight up on smith bench and really worked the last two sets.  These were good.  Rows were good, but to spare my elbows at least a little I stopped at 8 reps when I could have done more.  OHP was really good, but tri's were worked pretty well and my right shoulder is still a little off, so I cut it to 2 sets.  More precautionary than due to pain.  Incline flyes were really good today. I really squeezed at the top/contraction and really felt it in my chest.

Tri extensions were good.  I considered bumping up to 70# DB's, but 65 was enough.  Rear and lateral delts were good.

Note on shoulders: I always do OHP after incline and bench and delt work at the end of my WO's.  I'm thinking I need to occasionally move OHP earlier in the WO because after all the bench pressing my tri's are worked and I can't go very heavy on presses.  That, or do a dedicated short shoulder WO once in a while, but that puts stress on the shoulder girdle an extra day and my shoulders can be a bit temperamental.  Dunno.  Trial and error I guess and see what works.

As predicted, my weight was up a little this morning to 180.0 and it's got to be due to the high sodium in all the crab I ate.  Pretty good nutrition day again today.  Basically same as yesterday, but 2 pieces of fruit so carbs were slightly higher today.

TOTALS: Grams 225 152 27   1,740
Calories 898 609 242   1,749
Percent 51% 35% 14% `

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