Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sun 10/7 - Week Recap

Week ending Sunday 10/7/12

Took a much needed day off today.  5 WO's, 3 doubles, 0 runs.  Started a new workout this week.  I did the Stripped Down Hypertrophy workout 5 times this week (M,T,W,F,Sa).  The workout is basically 6 movements.
1. A horizontal push (e.g. bench press)
2. Horizontal pull (row)
3. Vertical push (dips, military)
4. Vertical pull (pullups)
5. Quad dominant (squats, leg press)
6. Glute/Ham dominant (dead lift, DB swings)

It's a GREAT WO and I was planning on easing into it with 3X this week, 4X next and then 5X.  I was feeling good and my legs weren't as trashed as I thought they'd be, so I went ahead and did it 5X this first week.  I hope to keep that going.  I kept legs fairly light and most movements were in the 10 rep range.  I'll keep around the 10 rep range again this week, then move to ~8reps for two weeks.  Unfortunately, the number of reps will mainly be determined by the weights and equipment available, so I'll have to do the best I can with loading (weight) in regards to progression.

Nutrition was pretty good this week until the weekend.  I ate more during the week than my normal "cut" because of the workload of these WO's and was still getting leaner.  This weekend I kept protein up, but ate a lot of carbs and sugar.  Weight will be interesting tomorrow morning and will largely determine what diet looks like this coming week.  :)

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