Generic Bulking Routine

Lyle MacDonald's Generic Bulking Routine (BGR)
Mon: Lower
Squat: 3-4X6-8/3' (3-4 sets of 6-8 with a 3' rest)
SLDL: 3-4X6-8/3'
Leg press: 2-3X10-12/2'
Leg curl: 2-3X10-12/2'
Calf raise: 3-4X6-8/3'
Seated calf: 2-3X10-12/2'
Abs/low back: a couple of heavy sets apiece

Tue: Upper
Flat bench: 3-4X6-8/3'
Row: 3-4X6-8/3'
Incline bench or shoulder press: 2-3X10-12/2'
Pullups: 2-3X10-12/2'
Triceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5'
Biceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5'

Thu: Lower
Squat: 3-4X6-8/3' (3-4 sets of 6-8 with a 3' rest)
SLDL or leg curl: 3-4X6-8/3'
Leg press: 2-3X10-12/2'
Another leg curl: 2-3X10-12/2'
Calf raise: 3-4X6-8/3'
Seated calf: 2-3X10-12/2'
Abs/low back: a couple of heavy sets apiece

Fri: Upper
Incline bench or shoulder press: 3-4X6-8/3'
Row: 3-4X6-8/3'
Flat bench:2-3X10-12/2'
Chinups: 2-3X10-12/2'
Triceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5'
Biceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5'

1. Periodization
A. First 4 weeks would be 8-12 reps, second 4 weeks would be 6-8 reps and then last 4 weeks would be 3-5 reps (all for the "main lifts").


B. For a weekly periodization you could do sets of 8-12 on mon/tues and then sets of 3-5 on thurs/fri. would have
to possess a lot of temperance to do it this way though.

2. Periodization
Here's another periodization example from Lyle:
So say you finish up a run of the Generic Builking Routine program at 4X6-8(main lifts) + 2-3X10-12(accessory lifts). That's 2 weeks of sub-maximal run-up to 4-6 weeks bulking. The sub-max run-up is to get you ready for 4-6 weeks of hard lifting where you are trying to add weight to the bar as much as possible while still staying in the desired rep range.  You could then move to 5X5(main) + 2-3X6-8(accessory), (with a 2 week run up and 4-6 weeks bulking). Then 3 weeks of 3X3(main) + 1X8(accessory) (the high rep set helps to maintain mass/tonnage/volume). So that's 6-8 weeks + 6-8 weeks + 3 weeks = 15-21 weeks; about the length most will say you can maintain good upwards progress in strength.

An enormous thread on the GBR can be found here on Lyle's Body Recomposition Forum.

I'd also recommend to anyone interested in nutrition, weight loss, muscle gain, body recomposition, training, check out Lyle MacDonald's articles on his body recomposition site. There's also a lot of information on his support forums if you have time to wade through a lot of posts.

1 comment:

  1. It's a just right program that persons can follow indefinitely, above all folks who do not compete.In case you are on the stage of coaching where you have to ask, "Is there enough medial delt work?", you doubtless don't need direct medial delt work. Simply my opinion. Humans who bench 115 for 1 and press 70 for 1 will have to be extra concerned with getting a bench up to 225 x 10 and a press of 135 x 10 than demanding about lateral raises. I've some just right work expertise with a cover letter writing service and my phrases are obviously headquartered on what I felt via such strategies prior to now.
