Garage Gym
54 mins
Started with deadlift and worked up to 4@ RPE8, then backed off 20% for 3x4. Deadlift felt heavy today, perhaps in part because of pull-ups yesterday. I think I need more volume here to see progress. I supersetted deadlift with 2-count paused bench. I worked up to 8@ RPE8ish, which was lighter than last week, but last week I overshot RPE. Then I backed off 15% and did a lot of volume. Finished up with landmine squat and steep incline. I was doing split squat, but I think that's the cause of my foot pain, so I'm switching it up for something else until that gets better. Steep incline, I meant to keep these @RPE 8ish. I overshot on about every set. Solid WO.