Garage Gym
51 mins
Started with squat for 1@RPE8, 6@RPE9, -5% 1-2x6. Working up felt good, 205# flet nice so I went to 215# (same as last week). It was easier than last week, but still think it was higher than targeted RPE8. First back off was @RPE9, second back off was @RPE8/9. I really wanted these all to be @RPE8 or lower to keep stress on knees more manageable, but probably overshot slightly on all of them. I'll need to keep in mind next week, and depending on recovery next 2 days.
Next was 1 count paused incline and RDL superset to save time. Incline was 1@RPE8, 6@RPE9, -5% 1-3x6. Topi single at 190# was less than last week, but at lower RPE (which was the plan since I overshot last week). Back offs were @RPE8's, so a bit conservative, but where I want to be, see above on squats. RDL's were fine, felt fairly light until the last set where I hit RPE8. Solid WO.