72 mins
WO started with deadlift working up to a single @8RPE (90-93%), then 6@RPE9 (81%), -5% 1-2x6. Felt good working up. I probably should have used straps for the top set as it wanted to roll out of my hands, but felt pretty good other than that. Back off sets were good. Next was 2 count paused bench 8 reps at @7,8,9 RPE, then -5% and 1-2x8 until RPE9 again. My sets working up were probably @5-6, 8,9 and back-offs were good. I probably should’ve done another set between 135# and 150#, but there was plenty of volume for me anyway, especially with incline still to come. Last WO I worked up to 70# DB’s and that really bothered my R upper trap so I was planning on keeping it to 60’s for top sets. After bench, 60# DB’s were plenty heavy for the top sets. Knees feeling a bit better already today. Solid WO.
184.0 this morning.