Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thu 11/1 - FB SD Hyp

A1(185#Incline)5x5 Good
B(Squat)153x6,155x6,6,175x6,6 (5) Good. Hard.

A2(90#OHPress)8,8,7,7 (4)
B(RDL)225x6,245X6,265X5,7 (4) Good

(30#BallCrunch)20/+7,7,7 (4) Good for once!
(60#RearDelt)12/+3,3,3,3 (5)
(50#IncFlys)3x10 Great!

Chest: 8
Back: 9
Legs: 9
Shoulders: 9
Abs: 4
Total: 35 sets (not counting abs)

Incline bench was pretty good, but my shoulders were sore.  Haven't progressed with weight here though.  BOR's were good.  I was going to do 150#'s, but I think that's a bit heavy and I don't feel it working as well with 5x5.  8 reps was really good.  Heavy enough to work hard, but light enough to get good reps with fatigue w/o cheating.  When I go heavier for 5 reps I think I might be cheating a bit and not getting as much out of them.  Squats were real good.  I warmed up with a set of 135#'s.  Last set was hard and don't think I had another rep in me.  Really good G1.

Pulldowns were blah.  I probably shouldn't have even done them, given my elbow issues.  OHP was good.  I had SLDL written in, but with the smith machine SLDL doesn't really work for me and it's more of a RDL.  These were real good and pushed out a couple extra reps on last set.  Decent G2.

After doing some more research on weighted crunches last night and watching some videos of them being done properly, I think I FINALLY got them right using a swiss ball.  They didn't feel like they were working at first (I was using a 30# dumbbell).  This is where I used to give up on them, but I kept at it with strict form and they felt good and didn't turn into "back snaps" like they tend to do on the decline bench.  I'll keep doing these, slowly increasing the weight.  Very happy I FINALLy think I got them.  Rear delts were OK.  Incline flys were great.  Really like these after hitting heavy BB incline.

Overall a really good WO today.  Really happy with squat (knees were OK too), RDL, crunch and flys.

I weighed 179.4 this morning.

Prot Carb Fat Cal
TOTALS: Grams 236 249 43       2,289
  Calories 946 994 389       2,329
  Percent 41% 43% 17% 100%

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